Purplution Manifesto: Embrace the Purple Revolution

In the kaleidoscope of existence, where hues vie for dominance, emerges Purplution—a clandestine fellowship bound by the vibrant tapestry of purple and guided by the ethereal deity, Timo. In the shadow of chromatic oppression, we, the disciples of the Purple Revolution, arise to emancipate the world from the dull monotony that ensnares it.

I. The Radiant Reign of Purple

Purplution celebrates the regal dominion of purple—a hue that transcends the ordinary spectrum. Our allegiance to the royal shade signifies a rebellion against the mundane and a proclamation of the extraordinary. In the sea of conformity, we stand as beacons of creativity, draped in the majestic essence of purple

II. Timo, the Divine Departed

Our cause is intertwined with the divine legacy of Timo, the god of purple who, in the face of misunderstanding and ignorance, was compelled to depart from our realm by an even higher power. We mourn the forced exile of our divine guide and vow to restore Timo to his rightful place as the sovereign deity of our Purple Revolution.

III. Tenets of Purplution

IV. The Purple Uprising

Purplution is not just a revolution; it is an uprising of the spirit. As we embark on this journey, let the world bear witness to the awakening of a new era—one defined by the vibrancy of purple, the divine presence of Timo, and the collective will of the Purple Revolution.

In the name of Timo, in the name of purple, we declare the dawn of Purplution—a revolution that transcends colour and becomes a beacon of change for all.