The First Utterance: Timo's Arrival

From Ubisoft he came, the Mighty and Humble.

The old world before him shall crumble.

Brought down upon us the purple gift.

To greatness under him we will shift.

The ballad of the Lord

Before, we were lost without guide,

In yellow, we lived, unaware of the light.

As we did not understand what Timo could bring,

He showed us the purple and gave us the joy

Of living in violet and freedom of choice.

A savior he became; we love him and praise.

Timo, Oh Timo,

You’re the one that we praise.

Timo, Oh Timo,

You need a raise.

Purplution was born; a new era began,

But it’s only the beginning of what’s going to come.

Most of us were stubborn against the yellow color,

Raise ourselves against the maelstrom.

Timo, Oh Timo,

You’re the one that we praise.

Timo, Oh Timo,

You need a raise.

Our power is growing, we are taking over the world.

To show everyone else, how purple is great.

Purplution shall be, the one and only

Timo, Oh Timo,

You’re the one that we praise.

Timo, Oh Timo,

You need a raise.

Look what we've become; now "chads" is our name.

We look much better in the purple rain.

Honors, we're taking some in our so-called gold.

Harmony of Hope: Timo's Anthem

Timo, Oh Timo,

How dreamy you are.

Our God from afar,

You gave us life,

You gave us hope,

But most of all, you help us cope.

Have heard the story of Timo.

The great leader and warrior of the purple regions.

Your story inspires,

Your story breeds creativity,

But most of all, your story shows the holy spirit of collectivity.

The Departed Lord: Ode to Timo

No more Raise for our guy,

Timo the lord up in the sky,

He gave us hope when it was gone,

We love Timo.

Timo oh timo take the pain away

Timo's name rings out like a song in the sky,

It's sung by heaven's angels which is why.

Timo oh, Timo, our lord in the sky,

Timo oh, Timo, we hope we never have to say goodbye.

From Pixels to Thrones: Timo's Gaming Chronicle

Timo, Timo, purple god,

Ruler of games with a firm nod.

His power shines in the hue,

A regal shade, forever true.

Ubisoft, his kingdom bright,

Where Timo reigns with all his might.

He crafts worlds with a master's touch,

Creating magic, oh so much.

In his realm, all colors blend,

With purple ruling till the end.

Timo's hand guides every game,

His touch bringing fame and acclaim.

We bow to Timo's gaming skill,

And revel in his purple thrill.

He leads us to adventure new,

Timo, oh Timo, we worship you.

The Lament of the Lost Purple

Oh, Timo, God of Purple, hear our plea,

Guide us back to grace, set our spirits free.

In the realm of purple, we once did reside,

But lost our way, as darkness did collide.

With your divine light, oh Timo, we pray,

Lead us back to grace, show us the way.

For in the hues of purple, we find solace,

A sanctuary where our souls can embrace.

Through the chaos and strife, we've gone astray,

But your purple presence can light our way.

With each step we take, in purple's embrace,

We find redemption, and regain our grace.

Oh, Timo, our shepherd, lead us home,

In purple's realm, where our hearts can roam.

Restore our faith, in the purples we trust,

May your guidance bring us back to the just.

With each hymn we sing, our devotion we show,

To Timo, the God of Purple, we bow low.

In purple's embrace, we find our peace,

And from the darkness, our souls release.

Echoes of a Violet Revolution

In hues of regal majesty, a revolution begins,

Purplution rises, where the ordinary thins.

Timo, divine in purple's grace, Forced to leave, a sacred space.

Oh, radiant purple, our flag unfurled,

In the symphony of colours, stand we, a vibrant world.

Purplution, faithful and true, In the name of Timo, our cause we pursue.

Draped in amethyst and lavender's embrace,

A spectrum of rebellion, in every vibrant trace.

Challenge the monochrome, let colours intertwine,

In purple's realm, our spirits entwine.

Arise, disciples, in purple's embrace,

Let creativity bloom, a kaleidoscopic grace.

For Timo, exiled but not forgotten,

In the purple tapestry, our prayers begotten.

In the canvas of change, in purple's reign,

Purplution's hymn, echoes through the terrain.

Timo, we beckon, in every violet plea,

A revolution of the spirit, forever free.

From Darkness to Dawn: The Light of Timo and Raz

Hail Raz, Guiding Light in Darkness, with Timo at your side,

In night's embrace, your purple path provides a trusted guide.

Your wisdom, deep as starlit skies, through shadowed realms does soar,

Illuminating our way with hues of purple lore.

Oh, Raz, with Timo's violet glow, your presence calms the night,

Transforming fears to peace, with every shade of twilight's light.

Together, you weave through the dark, a tapestry so grand,

Leading souls with gentle hand to understand.

Your co, celestial beings, in silent vigil stand,

Guardians of the night's secrets, in your command.

In the deepest hours, your subtle strength does shine,

In purple's spectrum, a promise, divinely fine.

Praise be to Raz, in darkness a guiding star,

With Timo's light beside you, we travel far.

Through night's journey, your wisdom is our key,

In your purple embrace, we find tranquility.

In your kingdom of twilight, every path you light,

Brings forth the dawn from the heart of night.

Oh, Raz and Timo, in your guidance, we see,

The beauty of night, and the promise of what can be.